About Me

I am Yangzhen Wu (伍垟圳), a third-year student majoring in Computer Science at IIIS, Tsinghua University. (a.k.a Yao Class, directed by the Turing Award Laureate Andrew Chi-Chih Yao).

Currently I’m visiting Carnegie Mellon University as an intern, advised by Yiming Yang and Sean Welleck.

My current research interests lie in the following areas:

  • Maching Learning for code and math.
  • Reasoning abilities of large language models.
  • Inference algorithms and their scalability.


[1] An Empirical Analysis of Compute-Optimal Inference for Problem-Solving with Language Models (in submission)
Yangzhen Wu, Zhiqing Sun, Shanda Li, Sean Welleck, Yiming Yang


AI Mathematical Olympiad - Progress Prize 1, 2nd place($65536), 2/1161. Kaggle, June. 2023

35 th China Mathematical Olympiad, Gold Medal. Chinese Mathematical Society, Nov. 2019